Digital Marketing Blog

Three PPC Mistakes to Avoid

Three PPC Mistakes to Avoid

  By gaining valuable traffic and thereby increasing sales, PPC advertising – pay per click – can have a major positive impact on businesses and organisations of all sectors and sizes – providing they get it right. If you’re about to embark on a PPC campaign or...

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Will My Organic Rankings Suffer If I Don’t Have a Blog?

Will My Organic Rankings Suffer If I Don’t Have a Blog?

Web logs, or blogs as they’re more commonly known, have become an inherent feature of the internet that we know and love today. They’re also a vital component of digital marketing, helping brands and individuals raise their online profile, reach out to their target...

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SEOs Not So Secret Weapon

SEOs Not So Secret Weapon

I joined GoCompare nearly two years ago as a PR and outreach executive. I had no idea what outreach was, let alone the difference between a followed and no-follow link! But PR was something I was pretty familiar with, so if all else failed I had that. Also, what’s the...

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What Do the New GDPR Regulations Mean For SEO?

What Do the New GDPR Regulations Mean For SEO?

On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, the EU’s new data protection and privacy law for all individuals within the European Union. Businesses of all industries and sizes need to pay attention to GDPR to be compliant. One area...

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How GDPR is Set to Affect The World of Marketing

How GDPR is Set to Affect The World of Marketing

So everyone is getting rather excited about GDPR, the current buzzword of every article on every channel. Even the Sun have gotten in on the act with their wonderfully scaremongering title of, builders, cleaners and gardeners could face huge fines just for sending an...

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